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Thank you to all those who participated, volunteered and sponsored this year's Ice Fishing Derby
The Phippsburg Sportsmen’s Association is located in the coastal community of Phippsburg, Maine. The club is located at 272 Maine Rd., 3.5 miles from US Route 1 in Bath.
Established in 1955, the clubs early years consisted of events such as turkey shoots, raising and releasing pheasant and quail and lobster suppers. For many years there was a drop in membership. The club was used by the Phippsburg Recreation Committee for community events. They also held annual turkey shoots, one of the most popular fall shooting events.
In 1998 enough interest was shown to start re-organizing the sportsmen’s Association. In the fall of 1999 the Animal liberation Front, a group of anti-hunting terrorists, broke into and vandalized the club house. Since that time the membership has gone from less than 100 members to well over 300 members a year. The club was honored by the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine as Sportsman Club of the Year 2002 and 2015.
The club is now involved in many events. One of our biggest events is the Dickie LeMont “Take a Kid Fishing” Ice Fishing Derby in February, which draws over 200 youth anglers. At this event every youth angler leaves with a prize as well as a chance to win a Maine Lifetime Fishing License (over 20 given to date). In the summer we hold a Youth Field Day with youths participating in events such as kayaking, archery, air rifle shooting, fishing and animal identification & trapping. The two events are very community orientated and are sponsored by local community members and over 140 Mid Coast area businesses. These events are free to youths. In January of 2010 we held our first Winter Outdoor Youth Day. Over 50 youths attended and participated in dog sledding, snow shoeing, Nordic skiing, blood hound demonstration and a Falconry demonstration. This event was held with the help Yankee Chapter of the North American Versatile Dog Association.
The club also holds several raffles throughout the year to raise money for our youth events and to send 10-14 year olds to the University of Maine Bryant Pond 4-H camp and Learning Center. At this week long conservation camp students earn their Hunter Safety Certificate and participate in several outdoor activities.
Listed below are other outdoor and community events that the club is involved with;
I.F. &W. Safety Courses; Firearms, Bow Hunter, Trapper, A.T.V., Boating, Snowmobiling and Crossbow.
Turkey Shoots, 5 Stand shoots and 3D Archery Shoots.
Sponsor local Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops.
Maine Guide Courses.
Bean Suppers and Breakfast Buffets.
Participate in community events; spring clean up day, Fireman’s field day and Community Safety Day.
Adopted Hatch Point on Center Pond from the Town of Phippsburg, maintaining this popular access to the pond.
Participate in Maine’s 2 largest sportsman’s shows, The State of Maine Sportsman Show and the Pine State Sportsman Show.
Provide a meeting place for local community groups; Phippsburg Historical Society, Boy and Girl Scouts, Phippsburg American Legion Post 216 and several other community organizations.
Support Morse High School Project Graduation. Distribute Christmas food baskets and donate to local toy drives.
Support and donate to organizations who promote outdoor activities, education and conservation such as the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, Maine Trappers Association, U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance, National Rifle Association, University of Maine 4-H Learning Center and many others.
We are a 501(c) 3 organization promoting outdoor education and conservation. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00pm.

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